Outside my Window: The sun is shining, the snow is melting, everything is brown and dreary, but the anticipation of spring is in the air!
What's on my Mind: Getting my men (old and young) trained up to keep things rolling around the house and property since I am not always here to coordinate things while working full-time.
Thankful for: A wonderful choral experience this weekend being part of the Flint Festival of Choirs hosted by the Carolyn Mawby Chorale with guest conductor Hugh Floyd from Furman University. Ms. Mawby is an inspiration to so many people in so many ways. She always has a smile on her face and encourages others even while going through some very challenging times in her life. Being part of the Lapeer County Concert Choir has been such a blessing to me in a variety of ways, the music, the friends, the opportunity to grow administratively as Vice President, and the internal challenge of making time to have it in my life. Very thankful.
Creative Endeavors: Nothing to much lately, other than putting together a quick display for the 4H Feeds Families Committee table for Spring Achievement.
Latest Project: Committee and Board work mostly. Getting marketing materials prepared for the choir's spring concert, moving forward with the new 4H committee, and getting ready to share some songs and games at the next Camp Counselor training meeting.
My 3 Sons: Reports cards are in. Everyone took a slight dip in their grades this trimester which seems to be typical. Nothing terrible although I was I little bummed to see a C for Fox's AP Psychology class, other than that everyone pulled As and Bs. Fox started track last week. Got Ethan signed up for baseball and Ben for soccer. Also, Benjamin applied for the third time to go to space camp and this time made it to the second step- an interview which will take place later this week. All three boys also took a few projects to the 4H Spring Achievement event over the weekend. Ben got an Honorable Mention for his wooden sword and Ethan took 2nd Place for his Science Project on electrical circuits. Below is a snap of the boys walking up from the bus stop after school.
The first Born: Dealing with excruciating pain from her wisdom teeth coming in. :( Finally got an appointment with the dentist today, hopefully it will be remedied quickly. She's also assisting me with the drama program and is going to take a part in '12 Angry Swine' for me.
Employment News: I have been planting up a storm at the greenhouse and am dubbed the Geranium Goddess after potting up nearly 3000 of them. Gotta love the trolley when you're hauling dirt and plants through the house. Also had an interview for another position in a more "professional" setting which would extend past this seasonal work. A decision needs to be made by April 1st but I checked in with them today and was told I'm still in the running. Woot!
Hoping to Improve: My training schedule. Working such a physically taxing job has totally cut into my running routine. I still fit in my yoga but have not been getting out for runs as often. Did a 2-mile today and will meet up with the running group again Saturday morning but that's about all I'll be able to handle this week. Hope I can still make a decent showing at the Spring Fitness 5K at the end of April.
Food for Thought: You are not meant to live in fear of your own body. Know that your body, mind, and spirit are always working on your behalf. Even if you are deeply involved in emotional eating, it is not because your body is betraying you; it is because right now you know no other way to comfort yourself. -from The Ten Habits of Naturally Slim People
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