This will more than likely be my last post of the year. I hope it finds everyone grateful for what has transpired this past year and looking forward to the opportunities in store for the next. Alexandra and I sang together with the Lapeer County Concert Choir for the Christmas concert the first weekend of the month. It has been nice to have her be a part of it and for her to be singing with a group once again. We had a decent size audience on Friday and a packed house at the Sunday performance. She is planning to sing with us again for the spring concert as well. Sweet!
I met the challenge and completed 50,206 words of a novel in November but continued to work on it adding about another 3,000 since the end of the month. In fact I'm so geeked about it I'd like to continue to edit it and possibly format it to sell as an ebook. Alex has agreed to be my editing partner, reading it when I'm ready and giving me some feedback for tweaking.
Fox has continued to train with the North Branch Community Run Club twice a week that is organized by the cross country coach plus runs 6 miles on Kings Mill, which is filled with several killer hills, twice a week. He has noticed a marked improvement in his 5K times due to this. Ethan has been staying after once a week for the Ruth Fox Run Club and does 4 or 5 miles there. Last week he ran his first 5K at the Santa Shuffle in Lapeer. Below is our Bronco group that participated in the Shuffle, picture is a bit blurry but it doesn't lessen the fun. I have also begun a running regimen, going out every other day, started the weekend after Thanksgiving, going twice around the loop on the property, six times around is a mile, and adding on in small increments. This week I am now at 1.5 miles. Benjamin usually comes out and runs with me when he's home. My goal is to run the North Branch Spring Fitness 5K in April.
Got Fox's first trimester report card: Accounting I - A-, Algebra II - A-, AP Prep English - A, AP Psychology - B, AP World History - A-, Seasonal Activities - A. Nice job. We had a meeting with the principal about amending a couple bummer grades from last year to help keep his GPA in check plus inquired about dual enrollment and some virtual classes for his Junior and Senior year. Mr. H was most accommodating and encouraging and I very much appreciate that.
Had auditions for a production I am directing at the Pix Theater for Schoolhouse Rock Live! The group I had is made up of many kids I've worked with before in either the schools or drama classes but with a few new faces thrown in. Still need to recruit a young adult to play the teacher but have a couple prospects in mind. Ethan is going to be in the show and I'm trying to get Ben to be in it too since he is such a good singer and memorizes things easily but he is not budging at this point. Ugh.
Saturday Ben, Ethan and I helped with other folks from our 4H Swine Club at the Holiday Depot pick-up in our community. This is a great service project and it is always a good time to be a part of it. When we homeschooled we would go and help them get the boxes of food items packed up for the families but now the process is streamlined and the boxes are prepared elsewhere so we just help carrying things out to people's car for them.
I've also been making final preparations for the fourth year of After School Choir which will start when we come back from the Christmas break. I'm doing two groups again, 2nd to 4th graders in one, and 5th to 8th in the other, hopefully we'll have a good turnout and the kids will like the songs I've got planned.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Mine will begin with a New Year's Resolution 5K Walk while Fox does his first 8K Run.
Giddyup Broncos!
I loved doing NaNoWriMo with you.
You too! Need to have a debrief meeting and find out how everyone's turned out. lol
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