We are very proud of Ethan who was selected as student of the week. I've written out his interview questions because they are a bit difficult to see in the photo.
1. Why do you think you were nominated? "I haven't gotten in trouble and I have good grades."
2.How does it feel to do Student of the Week? "It feels nice but scary; I hope no one uses me or something!"
3.Do you like coming to school? "Yes I do."
4. What sports do you play? "Baseball, soccer, cross-country running,, football, basketball."
5. What is you favorite subject in school? "Math"
6. Do you participate in any after school activities? "Choir."
7. What is one thing you would do to change the school? "I would like to have a safety patrol here, because bullying happens a lot more in Ruth Fox than in the elementary."
The school counselor asked to meet with him regarding his answer to #7 but they have not connected as of yet. He believes it is to talk about starting a safety patrol which I hope it is that and not to questions him about bullying. They recently hosted the Rachel's Challenge program in our schools and I've had mixed reaction to it. None of my kids seemed very moved or motivated by it.
Last weekend was the opening of the Hunger Games movie. Rob took the boys to the Saturday 12:15p show as a guys outing, they've all read the book except Ethan. I went later in the evening with my Rollicking Readers group. I had literally just finished the book that morning so the whole ordeal was extremely fresh in my head which was a different type of movie-going experience for me. It was a good production overall but some of their choices confused and disappointed me, as with most literature/screen adaptions, the book is always best. Glad I staved off my resistance and finally read the book. Our next selection is Vanity Fair by William Thackery. I'll have to look for the audiobook because I know I will never get it read by the meeting date.
Academic Enrichment Company is off and running with 17 classes slated to run June 18-21 and 25-28. Marketing materials are in the works and the initial response to the endeavor has been very encouraging. Gotta love it when an area principal says "I'm so glad you're doing that, there really is a need. I have parents already asking me about things to do with their kids this summer. You will have no problem filling the classes." I've had several meetings over the past couple weeks with new contacts in various areas and will soon be putting out classifieds to recruit more. Plus class ideas keep coming to me in my own mind and through other people's suggestions which is really awesome. I'm also still involved, as a volunteer, with the efforts to launch the Lapeer Virtual Learning Center, helping to coordinate an open house and present another public presentation beyond the homeschool realm. Being involved with these people in upper management of a school district makes me realize what a challenging task they have to "keep everyone happy," and make me look at my efforts with a new perspective.
Tech/dress rehearsal for my Drama classes is tomorrow with performances on Saturday. Break a leg!
What's up for April? Ethan and I go to Chicago this Sunday for 4 days, getting out PR for the LCCC concert and AEC summer program, track meets, soccer practices, assisting with the Ruth Fox 5th Graders' field trip to the Willows, helping with Wild Lapeer planning, Lapeer River Clean-Up, final rehearsals for the LCCC spring concert getting John Rutter's Requiem perfected, and maybe throw in a few sub jobs here and there. Yee Haw! Happy Spring Everyone.....keep smiling (it makes people wonder what you're up to!)
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