First off a Happy Birthday to our Benny boy who turned 12 yesterday. We celebrated with a soccer ball cake and homemade lasagna, one meat, and one veggie for the girl child who is now officially moved back in. Woot! Ben is most excited to use his b-day loot to purchase a Kindle Fire which we will pick up tomorrow after school. Yes this is the year of technological upgrades for the Parton children. Alex is loving her laptop she got for Christmas and Fox is enjoying his new 'puter, now Ben is jumping on the band wagon to have tons of books, movies, and games at his fingertips. Hope he'll let me borrow it sometime..... :)
Since I am actively taking measures to shift into regular full-time employment I've been stepping up the boys' domestic training and have taught them all to do their own laundry, from washer to dryer to folding and putting away. It's been several weeks now and they've all done pretty well with it. I just remind them when it's their day. My original intent was they do their loads after school when they get home but Benny was so determined to keep up with his that he started his last load at 5:20am when he got up in the morning. The laundry room is on the other side of the wall from my bedroom and my alarm doesn't go off until 6am .... thanks for the abrupt wake up, dude. He'll now be returning to the afternoon schedule.
Due to an icy morning last Thursday we had school called off because of the road conditions which gave them a 5-day weekend. Friday, after a rather harrowing morning (I'll get to that in a minute) we headed down for a visit to the Detroit Zoo and everyone agreed it was the best trip we've had in some time. The day was gorgeous and sunny, cool but not freezing and many of the animals were out and active. We finally saw the Arctic Fox in The Arctic Circle exhibit, and the polars bears were up and moving around which was really neat to watch. Fox and Ben had a blast trying to make their hand prints in the ice wall. Can you see Ethan inside the bubble? And I got a sneaky shot of Fox actually smiling with his braces! He's had them long enough now he doesn't really think about them so much.

Checked in on the 'baby' giraffe that is now three years old. We all enjoyed watching them inside and up close as they ate and played with their mobile toys hanging from the ceiling. One of the three kept going to the open door and staring outside like it really wanted to go out but thought it just a bit to chilly.

After the zoo we used a gift card from Christmas and had dinner at the Macaroni Grill, my eggplant parmesan was delish! From there we went to visit Aunt Julie at Troy Lanes and do a little bowling!

Saturday night was a fun night of rollicking with the book club ladies. This month's read was Henry James' "Turn of the Screw" which brought about many opinions about what in the world he was really getting at in his text. As one of the club founders commented "even though many said they didn't really like it, it was a success nonetheless because of the discussion is created." Definately true. The movie actually stayed true to the book and was very well done. We also watched "The Tempest" with Chris Cooper, Helen Mirrin, Russell Brand, Alan Cummings and many more talented actors. It was a first for me. Bizarre to say the least, but I liked it. Next month...."The Hunger Games."
Saturday night was a fun night of rollicking with the book club ladies. This month's read was Henry James' "Turn of the Screw" which brought about many opinions about what in the world he was really getting at in his text. As one of the club founders commented "even though many said they didn't really like it, it was a success nonetheless because of the discussion is created." Definately true. The movie actually stayed true to the book and was very well done. We also watched "The Tempest" with Chris Cooper, Helen Mirrin, Russell Brand, Alan Cummings and many more talented actors. It was a first for me. Bizarre to say the least, but I liked it. Next month...."The Hunger Games."
Today was the second week working with both my choir groups together, we did everything acapella and the songs are all coming together nicely. We're also getting time to work on the stage with risers and choreograph our entrances and exits which is a luxury I haven't had in past years. I've started going to a weekly women's bible study, something that has been out of my routine for a long time. We're studying Phillipians and it has been engaging and informative, I've also just finished Nehemiah again on my own. This week I will begin a series of counseling sessions as well, while I feel like I have gotten over the hump of grief there are some things that I would like to have better spiritual artillery to deal with.
Oh, I almost forgot about our harrowing Saturday morning. My precious little puppy took off on us. I usually put her and Jake out for a few minutes to frolick before they have to be cooped up during the day if we're out. Told the boys "don't let me forget the dogs are out" and went to check some emails. Well, we all forgot and when I looked back outside neither dog was around. We spent hours yelling and searching, I drove around in the van, to no avail. Alex went by the house after work and Jake had returned and was waiting on the porch to be let back in but no Sunny. It was a snowy night, still no sign of her in the morning. She did have a collar on with her name and our phone number and I just kept praying she would show up at someone's house and they'd call. When I got home from book club late Saturday night Rob said "you've got a friend waiting for you." My Sunny girl! Someone called from a half a mile up the road and said she had been hanging around there all day. I was sooooo glad to have my sweet girl back and she won't be out of my sight for a good long time at least not without a leash or chain. Never took her for a runner but now I know better.
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