After two canceled meets the middle school track team finally got their chance to run at the Brown City Invitational that hosted seven teams from surrounding areas. This was the first time Fox ran three events during a meet. He started off strong in the 2-mile and came in 5th place, even got to hear his name over the loudspeaker. The 1-mile race was next after not much down time, his legs were sore and although he ran a good race and came in really strong in the end he did not place. Unfortunately I had to leave to get to LCCC practice and missed the 4 x 800 relay but from all accounts I've heard it was pretty incredible, the North Branch team took it by a landslide. Our first runner got them a 200 meter lead and every runner in turn kept and increased the lead, very exciting.
Ben played his second soccer game on Saturday, got the first goal in of the game and they won again 5-3, tomorrow I'll finally get to see them play. Ethan had baseball pictures at the same time as the game so we had to divide and conquer. Fox also had the state forensics competition down at Wayne State University on Saturday although I did not attend. He did great, made it into the semi-finals, and received an Award of Excellence plaque in Sales. I think New Balance would be happy with his representation of the company.
Last night I dropped Fox off for the 8th grade trip to Washington DC; what a wild scene that was. Three busloads of teenagers heading off to Gettysburg, then DC to tour Arlington, the Memorials, the National Zoo and Smithsonians, with a stop at the Luray Caverns on the way back. It was funny to hear moms commenting how their sons wouldn't give them and hug or kiss because all theirs buddies were around, Fox was no exception but I knew how he was going to be before we even got there. I won't see him again until Saturday; as much as he's been driving me a little nutso with his teen-dizziness I kinda miss him already. Thankfully he's with a good group of guys to hang with for the trip though and I hope it will help him secure some friendships.
Prior to our weekend festivities I became royally obssessed as I'm sure many did. After watching the Wedding of William and Catherine on Friday I then got sucked in to all the background programs on them. I'm still jonesing for more info about the after parties. Princess Diana certainly did a great job with those boys, although they've had their "wild days" they've turned into two fine young men and England would be blessed to have William as king.
Talk about pomp and circumstance to the max, the entire ceremony was memorable but my favorite moments were 1) during James Middleton's reading from Romans 12, Kate looks up quickly at William and he gives her this sheepish grin and eye roll that was priceless, 2) John Rutter's composition "This is the Day" was magnificent and I was floored by the Westminister Abbey Choir in general, 3) as they did the carriage processional afterward I was touched when they went by the memorial, William saluted and Kate bowed her head, so very sweet. I can just hear the talk in my mind as they practiced their spacing so that he didn't elbow her in the head! and lastly just seeing William and Harry saunter down the aisle as they arrived and spoke with the clergy and their uncle (Diana's brother), it was so cool to see them walk comfortably in tandem as they made their way around.
Who'd have thought these two little curmudgens would turn into such fine men.
This little blond guy is certainly going to be one to watch out for, Mr. Tom Pettifer, son of William's former nanny, even though you never hear him talk you can tell he's got charm and confidence already.
Ok, well I guess I'll conclude my little tangent and get back to reality...... if I must. The kiss did surprise me though after such a sweet and personal ceremony I was anticipating William going all Clark Gable, grabbing Kate in his arms, dipping her and landing a long, lingering kiss on her, oh, but that's right they're English and gestures like that are most improper!
Back to gardening, editing and subbing......hope all is well in your world.
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