Greetings. It's been a while again, just haven't been as motivated to blog lately. Last week the kids were on their spring break from school and Rob took a few days off also so we were all home together (except for the 18 y.o. who is always on the go). The decision to not go to Florida was a good one, it was nice to just be home and work on stupid little decluttering tasks that never get your attention. There are a lot of projects around the house to do but before we begin we have to be able to get to those areas so that is the current focus. Every time I take a load to the thrift shop I am elated. The beginning of June we have a "dumpster day" at the township hall so a lot of junk will go there and also our church hosts Care & Share Days which is basically a huge free rummage sale (or swap) where people bring things in good condition they don't need and others take what they do need. We always make a considerable donation and I really try not to bring a new batch of junk home with me.

The boys, Rob and I also took advantage of the time together to have a marathon game of RISK that started on Monday and didn't end until Saturday! It was an interesting adventure but it will be some time before we'll have the luxury of doing that for a while. Ben's soccer coach called, practices start this week. Ethan's baseball coach called, practices will start probably next week. Fox is already practicing for track, first meet is at the end of the it is gonna get crazy!
Finished John Grisham's "Testament" over the break too, one of the few books I've read in a long time that I didn't want to end and was surprised at the way it did end. For several days after I began writing the continued story in my mind, what I would like to have happen to the characters and their situation. I'm also still reading about and minutely applying Feng Shui principles, there's a lot to it not sure how serious I'll get about it but I do know I need to get the mirror out of my bedroom so I don't keep "looking back at old emotions." Still plugging away at "The Creative Call" and doing some assignments from the book in order to get a fresh shot of inspiration for future endeavors.
When the weather broke on Saturday we were all outside working, my favorite work outside weather, sunny and cool but not hot. Made the rounds on the property and picked up runaway trash, cleaned out some perennial areas, pruned the spireas and started putting wood chips down, got the Gramma Garden done first and laid it on thick just like gramma used to. Ben and I had fun sharing 'gramma-isms' about gardening as we worked. The boys would go down during spring break every year and help her with her gardens so they knew the drill when it came to the wood chip procedure, Ben said when they were finished working gramma would always exclaim 'whose beautiful garden is that? isn't that beautiful? is that the most gorgeous garden you've every seen!?' It's weird as soon as he said it I could totally hear my moms voice in my head saying it and I could see her decked out for working in her gardens (gloves, sunglasses, big hat). I really hope the rose bush makes it, I pulled it on my last trip down to the house and it was still blooming. When I first replanted it, it looked pretty grim but I'm hoping it will bounce back....I'll let you know.
Sorry there's not more excitement going on at the moment, things have been pretty laid back and that's just fine with me. I leave you with a Sonnet from which the text is used in one of the pieces the LCCC is working on called "I Am In Need of Music." Such a beautiful arrangment to these words. --
I am in need of music that would flow
Over my fretful, feeling finger-tips,
Over my bitter-tainted, trembling lips,
With melody, deep, clear, and liquid-slow.
Oh, for the healing swaying, old and low,
Of some song, sung to rest the tired dead,
A song to fall like water on my head,
And over quiviering limbs, dream flushed to glow!
There is a magic made by melody:
A spell of rest, and quiet breath, and cool
heart, that sinks through fading colors deep
To the subaqueous stillness of the sea,
And floats forever in a moon-green pool,
Held in the arms of rhythm and of sleep.
~Elizabeth Bishop (1911-79)
1 comment:
i have a feeling the rose bush will never die.
your pal, mich
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