Fox has also been putting the final touches on his first Sales Pitch for forensics, selecting New Balance running shoes as his product. He still needs to gather his props together and I purchased a couple pairs of NB shoes off ebay for cheap that he can use and wear.
Benjamin is also working on a project, applying to go to Space Camp. He wrote an essay, collected the required three recommendations, and hopefully will make it to step 2, a personal interview; four students will be selected to attend camp in Huntsville, Alabama this summer, on complete scholarship. This is a huge step out of his comfort zone, first off being away from home by himself, and also flying, but he is determined to get there so I hope his efforts are favorable.

After months in a culinary slump I've had a resurge thanks to this fabulous book. I've tried several recipies, some I'd adjust a few things if I made them again but others are terrific as-is. Last night I made the Saucy Skirt Steak with Orange-Spice Sweet Potatoes, used a nice cut of venison backstrap in place of steak and was very pleased with how the sauce turned out with my long-neglected food processor. I've really got to use it more often. Plus I made steamed asparagus with it. Yum!
Alex is enjoying her spring break this week after performing well on all her midterm exams. The boys will have a half-day Thursday and no school Friday due to trimester break. But we'll keep busy helping a friend move into their new house. I leave you with an intriguing concept from the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, the 'Hug Shirt'. Interesting idea but I'd rather get mine the old-fashion way, from the ones I love.
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