Don't ask me about resolutions because I don't make them. Each beginning of the year does prompt a resurge in heathly habits, kickin' up the yoga practice, I'm recording some Total Body Sculpt with Gilad to work in as well, and Pastor has called for a 21 day fast which I am participating in as well although I'm planning to go 30. I'm taking this one in stages, first no meat, then Daniel fast (fruits and veggies only), and at the end I'll do three days of juice/broth only.
My new interest lately is Mandalas, there are literally millions of them from various cultures. Over the course of 2011 I hope to increase my personal creation time through coloring mandalas, developing new collages, and writing; like creatively - not for work.
Fox's continued interest is running, he's becoming borderline obssessive about it. Even when we got the first snow he went out there and spent the afternoon shoveling his path in the back of the property so he could run, then later that day he went back out and ran. He tries to get out there everyday, even in the snow after school today he went out there. He's up to three and a half miles. When track season starts he's gonna be killin' in the mile run. He's also doing weights and calestenics but not daily. If he's not running he's usually playing some type of computer game. All the boys love their Wii and DS games but we're finally finding some semblence of balance. They know that in the morning they have to be dressed, have eaten, and gotten all their school stuff ready before they even think about sitting and playing a game or watching tv. It would be nice to downgrade all screen time in general over the next year (games, computer and television)....we'll see, it could happen.
Off we go again: 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, a clean slate, a new palete, endless let's go color our world!
Namaste. Peace. Shalom. Godspeed.

1 comment:
enjoyed reading your updates!
keep them coming!
you can color my world pink!
miss you friend...
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