Friday evening I attended a wedding for a young adult couple from our church. They've known each other for several years and kept God in high esteem during their courtship, they even had to "break up" for a time while he attended The Honor Academy where your focus is purely on God and mission work and you're not allowed to be involved in any other relationships. As soon as he was released from his program there he asked her to marry him. It was so cute; when the pastor asked if anyone objected to this marriage all the groomsmen pulled out tiny sword daggers and pointed them at the crowd to keep 'em quiet. Of course we all bust out laughing. They had the best ceremonial walk-out I've seen to date, instead of the traditional music they used "Everybody Dance Now" and boogied down the aisle as did their wedding party of eight couples! The reception was a blast as well with much dancing and comraderie. I haven't laughed so much or so hard in a long time. It was a wonderful night and I pray their union to be forever blessed.


Sunday evening I went to the first meeting of the year for the North Branch Finish Line Swine with Benjamin. He's been buggin' me to raise a pig for several years. We've had many animals on the property including bunnies, chickens, sheep, mini-horses, pot-bellied pig, big horses, ducks, cats, and dogs but never a true swine! There is always a lot of business to cover at the first gathering, selecting officers (Ben is going to be a club photographer), discussing fundraisers, and explaining the educational forum for the year. For 2010/11 the club is going to work with The Heiffer Project and donate two pigs to the project, for the educational focus at each meeting a group of club members will give a presentation on the swine industry in a particular country such as how they're raised, used, which breeds, diseases that are a concern, income generated, specialty dishes, etc. Ben was a little overwhelmed with all the info but I'm excited. This is a long established club with good leaders and I'm looking forward to learning more myself. Over the weekend Rob and I will be volunteering at a local Haunted House for the club to earn money for its fund. Should be a screaming good time!