The world of blogging is such an interesting animal. I'm always amazed to see where my hits come in from, they are international at times. Many are from friends and family I know, many from extended friends I've never met in person, and some are totally random. It would bless me to "meet" and find out more about who's visiting so please add on as a follower, that way if you have a blog I can check in on you in your neck of the world. It is surprising and reassuring to know that no matter where on this great globe we live, everyone deals with similar issues in life, the trials, tribulations, successes, surprises, burdens and blessings. Don't be shy, join in on the fun. Follow my blog and I'll follow yours!
My week was a blessed and productive one. I finished another batch of writing work, got some domestic duties accomplished, had my own personal praise & worship party, helped Ben get his Book Report mapped out for an ongoing project at school; he did it on "Lost & Found" by Andrew Clement. Ethan and Ben are also beginning to work on their Valentine Mailboxes, progress reports came home for them this week and both have a lion's share of As in all areas. Woot! Fox is continuing to type his novel into the computer and revising as he goes. Social Studies and Science have been most intriguing to him as they learn about Ancient China & India and are beginning the Periodic Table of Elements. This is refreshing to me since these were the two areas I felt I was unable to spend enough time with him on as a homeschooling educator because my time was being pulled in to many directions; it's good to know he is getting more info and opportunity in these subjects.
I've also been checking in on mom daily, she is getting stronger everyday, has stopped using her walking stick so much to get around and has been getting dressed without assistance; may not seem like much but if you know from whence she came this is huge. She also got out and about with my brother yesterday for the first time since coming home from the hospital this last time and friends have been stopping by and calling constantly yet at just the right intervals to give her time to rest as well.
Friday I was happy to be an abundant blessing for my dear friend Jen who is the Office Manager at my church. Since they downsized the office staff I have been volunteering and going in one day a week to help out with time consuming tasks. The past few weeks I was unable to be of help since I needed to be there for mom or sub, but was glad to return and at just the right time. I was successful in getting the newsletter together, making CD duplications for visitor packets, cutting and stuffing the inserts for our weekly bulletin and just being there to vent and have a laugh with her. Good times. In the evening I took the boys to see The Stand Strength Team at New Life Church in Attica, MI. They are based out of Sterling Heights, MI but travel nationwide to minister in schools and churches, using feats of strength to parable the salvation of Christ, plus some of the team members are musicians and they can totally rock. Pastor Shrek is one of the most fantabulous drummers I've witnessed in a while and he can preach! When they're in the schools they promote respect and responsibility but when they're at churches they "get 'em saved." We saw several friends from church there and Ethan found a buddy from school too. Great way to wrap up the week.
Tonight after dinner I'll be heading back down to Grosse Pointe to hang with the moms until Tuesday, looking forward to attending mass with her tomorrow morning and doing whatever she needs done while I'm there.
Alexandra had her driving privileges returned this week but is still on "probation" and making a concentrated effort to up her responsibility level and show respect plus she has a new appreciation for her independence. You don't know what you've got until it's gone, eh? She has also taken on the task of understudying a role for the One-Act that the school is bringing to competition since one of the girls has a prior commitment on one of the competition weekends. This is a daunting task to come in last minute and step into a pivotal part but I'm impressed the drama teacher has such faith in her to rise to the occasion. "Cut," the one-act she's directing, goes up this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at North Branch High School at 7:30pm every night. Come on out and join the fun.

Remember, when you point the finger at someone, there's still three pointing back at you.
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