Saturday, January 30, 2010

All About Blog

The world of blogging is such an interesting animal. I'm always amazed to see where my hits come in from, they are international at times. Many are from friends and family I know, many from extended friends I've never met in person, and some are totally random. It would bless me to "meet" and find out more about who's visiting so please add on as a follower, that way if you have a blog I can check in on you in your neck of the world. It is surprising and reassuring to know that no matter where on this great globe we live, everyone deals with similar issues in life, the trials, tribulations, successes, surprises, burdens and blessings. Don't be shy, join in on the fun. Follow my blog and I'll follow yours!

My week was a blessed and productive one. I finished another batch of writing work, got some domestic duties accomplished, had my own personal praise & worship party, helped Ben get his Book Report mapped out for an ongoing project at school; he did it on "Lost & Found" by Andrew Clement. Ethan and Ben are also beginning to work on their Valentine Mailboxes, progress reports came home for them this week and both have a lion's share of As in all areas. Woot! Fox is continuing to type his novel into the computer and revising as he goes. Social Studies and Science have been most intriguing to him as they learn about Ancient China & India and are beginning the Periodic Table of Elements. This is refreshing to me since these were the two areas I felt I was unable to spend enough time with him on as a homeschooling educator because my time was being pulled in to many directions; it's good to know he is getting more info and opportunity in these subjects.

I've also been checking in on mom daily, she is getting stronger everyday, has stopped using her walking stick so much to get around and has been getting dressed without assistance; may not seem like much but if you know from whence she came this is huge. She also got out and about with my brother yesterday for the first time since coming home from the hospital this last time and friends have been stopping by and calling constantly yet at just the right intervals to give her time to rest as well.

Friday I was happy to be an abundant blessing for my dear friend Jen who is the Office Manager at my church. Since they downsized the office staff I have been volunteering and going in one day a week to help out with time consuming tasks. The past few weeks I was unable to be of help since I needed to be there for mom or sub, but was glad to return and at just the right time. I was successful in getting the newsletter together, making CD duplications for visitor packets, cutting and stuffing the inserts for our weekly bulletin and just being there to vent and have a laugh with her. Good times. In the evening I took the boys to see The Stand Strength Team at New Life Church in Attica, MI. They are based out of Sterling Heights, MI but travel nationwide to minister in schools and churches, using feats of strength to parable the salvation of Christ, plus some of the team members are musicians and they can totally rock. Pastor Shrek is one of the most fantabulous drummers I've witnessed in a while and he can preach! When they're in the schools they promote respect and responsibility but when they're at churches they "get 'em saved." We saw several friends from church there and Ethan found a buddy from school too. Great way to wrap up the week.

Tonight after dinner I'll be heading back down to Grosse Pointe to hang with the moms until Tuesday, looking forward to attending mass with her tomorrow morning and doing whatever she needs done while I'm there.

Alexandra had her driving privileges returned this week but is still on "probation" and making a concentrated effort to up her responsibility level and show respect plus she has a new appreciation for her independence. You don't know what you've got until it's gone, eh? She has also taken on the task of understudying a role for the One-Act that the school is bringing to competition since one of the girls has a prior commitment on one of the competition weekends. This is a daunting task to come in last minute and step into a pivotal part but I'm impressed the drama teacher has such faith in her to rise to the occasion. "Cut," the one-act she's directing, goes up this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at North Branch High School at 7:30pm every night. Come on out and join the fun.

Remember, when you point the finger at someone, there's still three pointing back at you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Up Your Blog

It is during times of great trouble and tragedy you learn the most about a person's true character. As things have progressed with my mother's health I have come to find out many judgements and misconceptions some of my family have about me and it is truly disconcerting. Never in my life have I had more opportunity to be Christ-like, I am determined to continue to show the love to and for my mother and they can whip me, beat me, and tie me to a tree I will not enter the quagmire of vile they spew or return a verbal punch. My first reaction upon writing this is to defend myself, my life choices, my finances, my marriage, my husband, my kids, my relationship with my mother, but then I think, no. I have nothing to defend. My life may not be perfect but it is filled with love, grace, humility and tons of future potential. I have all that I need through His riches and glory.

Mother is still a constant source of amazement to me and I honestly enjoy being there to care for her. She has set a goal to "get stronger and get better." While others are quick to voice the reality the doctors have set forth I continue to stand in faith with her and rebuke any negative thought or word spoken about her condition. As it is written in Isaiah 53:4-5 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Since I know Judi has claimed Jesus as her Savior, this power she has full entitlement to.

Today I was in a first grade class again, this time there were no major development issues to deal with just one boy with behavioral concerns. I'd been in this room before and did fine, today however I had to send behavior man to the office, something I try to avoid at all costs. The morning progressed without incident but after lunch, during Writing Workshop time when the children are supposed to write independently and quietly for 20 minutes, things got a tad bit too unfocused for my taste and I had to repeat myself too many times without results. So, the biggest culprit was removed from the class and the rest were instructed to copy some statements I wrote down and put up on the ELMO. "I will do my best. I will work quietly. I will follow directions. I will do my own work and not bother my neighbor." This was done in almost utter silence. They knew I was pushed as far as I was going to go. From there we progressed quietly, using whispers as people finished the dictated assignment, on to their math page for the day. Upon completion and review of the math I did allow them to have their Choice Time free play, snack, and watch a little "Kipper" I pulled from my Netflix Instant Movies. We finished the day with success and I can guarantee those students know not to mess around with Mrs. Parton. I love to have fun with the kids but we will get the work done, because that's what we're there for! Lately I've been getting much better at addressing the class with an authoritative voice that is not yelling, very effective.

Oh, and I pretty much lined up a job for myself when I'm ready for it.......

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Surreal Blog

Wow, it's been quite a few weeks. Mom has been in and out of the hospital several times, emotions have been up and down, I've been praying like I've never prayed before and we had the meeting you never image you'll ever have. The one where a doctor actually gives you a time estimate on how much longer your mother has left to live. Wow. Mother came home tonight and has decided not to undergo any more procedures to combat the cancer; even after the radiation treatments the areas in the brain have grown. She was treated with antibotics for the pnemonia and is on blood thinners for the clot in her lung plus they're going to put her on a low dose steroid again to help get the swelling in the brain down which may have been causing her moments of lost lucidity. Even though the doctors have an estimate based on their worldly reports I know that there is a bigger power at the helm and she has already gotten more time than most people who have been diagnosed with the same type of cancer. Now it's time to ride it on out and enjoy ever precious moment we have left.
In addition to spending some days at the hospital I've also gotten a few sub days this week. My first of the new year, it was nice to have somewhere else to put my thoughts and energy. Tuesday I was in a 1st grade class with many medical, mental and behavioral issues but we had a decent day. Today and tomorrow I am in for the band teacher which is always one of my favorite slots to fill. I also had a chance to meet with the principal and offer my services in the Upper Elementary School to host a Choice Time Choir during the last Trimester. She was totally into it, without hesitation so starting in March I'll be rehearsing with hopefully a nice size group of 5th and 6th graders Friday afternoons from 3-3:30pm. It is by giving that we receive so my thought is by sowing in without pay perhaps it will bring more opportunities with financial advancement in the future. Plus, I just love to sing with kids and I need an outlet for my creative juices.
Robert has been on the road this week in Illinois and then to Wisconsin with a possible call on the horizon to Florida. There have also been some possible new business opportunites that have been being researched and discussed at the shop and I am hopeful and expectant that prosperity is soon to come from these endeavors.
Alexandra is getting into final stages of her directorial debut; tech week, next week, then dress and "Cut" opens Thursday, February 4th. It is a play, inside a play, inside a play, inside a play; complete craziness and bedlam....right up her alley. She is also in the midst of her first official grounding after making some very unwise choices. I'll spare the details but she has lost the use of our vehicles until further notice and is working her way back into our good graces. She's also talked about looking for another job because they keep cutting her hours at Burger King.
Fox is holding on to his A and A+ average and was excited to be the only student out of all three of his Science teacher's classes to get 100% on the last test. Plus he finished writing the novel he's been working on and has been given permission by his AR teacher to go down to the computer lab and work on typing it into the computer during SeminAR time since he is way ahead on his points.
Ben is looking forward to celebrating his 10th birthday next month and wants to do some Laser Tag for his celebration, we're doing our best to make that happen. Ethan is hanging in there as well and has been a real prayer warrior with me for Gramma. The other boys pray too when prompted but Ethan takes the initiative to cry out on his own which blesses me greatly and touches my heart.
Even through these trying times, good things are happening.
**Today's photo is from a family reunion in 2007, Mom is in the center in the green shirt surrounded by three of her five sisters and a cousin.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Whatcha Gonna Blog

Friday Fill-In

1. The lesson I learned yesterday was that people have vastly different advice on how to chill out.
2. Hospitals are a place where friends and family meet.
3. All these years and still I've got more to learn.
4. I like to know what I'm walking into when I arrived.
5. The truth is sometimes you never know.
6. The sky's color is what I remember most from that day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to chillin' @ home, tomorrow my plans include checking in on the moms and Sunday, I want to go to church and watch 24:Day 8 Premiere!

Gettin' stoopid at the bus stop!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Time to Blog

For everything there is a season
And every season has its reason
A time to understand; a time to be confused
A time to take command; a time to defuse
A time to run; a time to sit
A time to sew; a time to knit
A time to cook; a time to clean
A time to disappear; a time to be seen
A time to stand strong; a time to fall back
A time of great abundance; a time of great lack
A time to rejoice; a time to repent
A time for the straight and narrow; a time to get bent
A time to do laundry; a time to fold clothes
A time to replace things; a time to make due with old
A time of employment; a time to retire
A time to be celibate; a time to sire
A time for an email; a time for a letter
A time for a phone call; a time for a tether
A time to be with people; a time to be alone
A time to forge ahead; a time to postpone
A time to see clearly; a time for the fog
A time to be productive; and a time to blog.

Just trying to keep my's to wastin' time with you!

The annual Elf Hat Christmas Picture (goofy version). Years ago my mom got these hats for the kids; every year I've hid them away and 'surprised' them again with them for a picture. This is probably about the seventh year or so, someday I'll have to go back through all my photo discs and make a collection of them. Oh, the things we do to torture our kids!!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Power of Blog

Moments after I made my last post public I received a phone call from a friend immediately declaring to me "you are not alone, I just want you to know that." This friend lost her dad not to long ago and is well aware of the emotions that go along with a loved one battling cancer. By the end of our conversation I began to feel I could participate in life again. She didn't try to tell me how to feel, or what to do, just listened and shared some of her experiences. Later in the day while I was running some errands I got another phone call on my cell from my dad. He had just read my post and wanted to check in and let me know that I was a good daughter, a great mom, and that the teenager thing is just what they do and don't take it too personal it will change and they'll realize the errors of their attitude when they have kids of their own. In my heart I know that, I was a terror-able teenager myself in the day. Really my teen is a good kid, it's just the senioritis.

I guess it all just caught up to me the other morning. During the week I was taking care of Mom when she first returned home from the hospital I had a sense of purpose, it kept me busy, we actually had a great time hanging together although I wish it were under better circumstances. Then when I got home it all seemed to catch up with me, all the emotions I had set aside. While it is important to stay in tune with your emotions and not bottle them up to either never deal with or deal with later it is important not to get consumed by them. Perspective has become aligned once again and although there are some unfortunate issues to deal with and choices to make I'm ready come what may. Mother and I have always had a rocky relationship but the underlying love has been there none the less. Many times in states of shredded self-esteem she's accused myself and my brother for not putting her higher up on the list of our life priorities. Well, it's go-time now and she is without a doubt my number one priority. I would like to be here to help as much as she'll have me until she returns to her normal independent self; as of now the doctor says she can not drive for at least 6 months. Yesterday she actually went to an aerobics class at the Neighborhood Club which was awesome! Thankfully in Grosse Pointe you can walk to many things that you'd need daily, the Club is a block away, the grocery store a block away, heck the whole village downtown is within a stone's throw; plus she has lots of friends and neighbors that are clamoring to give her whatever aid she needs. As mom seems to say a lot lately...."All is Well." The important thing is I suppose is to count my blessings, look at what I have and not what I don't have, keep believing for something better, for miracles to fall (which truly they do in little ways everyday), and just be ready for anything. I can do this.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

To Bummed to Blog

Not feeling to swell as this new year starts, more like I feel I went 10 rounds and lost miserably, or like I tied one on and can't remember where my car is, my keys are, where I left my purse or who brought me home last night, I feel like I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't, I can't stop randomly crying in the middle of whatever I'm doing, I feel like I don't have anyone nonpartisan I can talk to, then I feel like I'm no good to talk to anyone anyway and burden them with my stupid concerns, I'm just glad the kids are in school during the day so they don't see me this way all the time, by the time they get home I can pull it together to put on a happy face, give them dinner and go over homework, but beyond that I'm pretty much toast. I just want to help my mom get back to 100% but I feel powerless; I just want my husband and I to quit being at odds with each other but yet it continues; I'd just like my teenager to show a little respect but I'll probably never get it; I just need to get over it I guess and go on, but to where?