Tuesday evening was the 5th, 6th, and Middle School Band Concert. Fox was really digging wearing the band tuxedo, he kept saying he felt like James Bond and went around introducing himself as "Parton, Fox Parton." The bleachers in the Upper Elementary gym were a tad uncomfortable after an hour and a half but it was nice to have everyone there to support his musical efforts, including Rob and Alex plus Grandpa Q and June made the trek up too. First concert of the year, with a band director who has been under the weather, they sounded rough but I look forward to hearing how they progress by the end of the year.

Featured artwork for this post are pieces Alex did for her Painting class at NBHS: the first was based on a quote ("and I've come to realize the world is an enigma, a harmless enigma made destructive only by those who try to decipher it"), the next represents a month (June), and the last goes with a book (Catch 22). She did a few others as well but these are my best picks.

This was a pretty mellow week for me. I had no sub jobs at all and got to be home everyday other than running out for some errands. Each morning I was able to do my Namaste Yoga (sometimes twice), did some more rearranging, pulled down more of the ceiling, and got started writing entries that I pulled last week. Alex was a busy girl this week however, with picking up two more shifts at Burger King, auditioning actors for her directorial debut, and finishing up her college class. The instructor told her she really didn't have to take the final next week, just show up and put her name on the paper, she has a 3.5 already betwee the first two quizzes and he drops your lowest grade. Might be wise to take the last one though in the off chance she could bring the grade up to an A figure, but that's just the mom in me talkin'.

This whole winter thing that came upon us is not my cup of tea at all! I'm over it already and I have yet to begin any type of Christmas anything. Well, except for helping Ethan with his Christmas Tree project for school. I haven't been a fan of Christmas since I was 13, it is a time of year that irritates and stresses me out to no end. This would be a perfect time for an "I'm just sayin" rant but I don't even have the energy for it right now. Just hoping to get through, with some semblence of peace in my heart.
Friday Fill-In
1. You get what you get.
2. I reserve my right to just say ‘no’.
3. It's Namasta Yoga time.
4. Totally ridiculous!
5. I feel more respect for Christina Aguilera after seeing her ‘Behind the Music’ show.
6. Thank you New York and...goodnight!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner with my guys, tomorrow my plans include a children’s ministry meeting and Sunday, I want to go to church then kick back!
Happy Weekend Everyone!
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