Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Latest Projects
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Soccer Opener & Weekly Walk

Now there is a steady rain coming down, the chickens are nestled back in their coop, everyone has found something to eat, and we’re all settling down to watch a few “Family Ties” episodes. Fire up the way-back machine!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fabulous Friday

Fox was home again for three days this week because the class week on their camping trip to Hartley which was already in place before he started attending. Wednesday he hung out with me, Thursday he went to work with Rob and today he'll help me clean at Gramma Judi's house. Thursday I substituted for Band again and got the direct the 8th, 5th and 6th grades. I was there for the 7th grade class also but the other teacher directed while I straightened up the scads of music that was laying about needing to be put away. Ethan has become quite a writer lately, he says that journal time is his favorite part of the day. He read me a story yesterday that was very interesting, a dark, semi-violent but yet redemptive tale. Perhaps I'll post it when he says its complete. Ben had a great week, with practices, classroom soil experiments, and Earth Day activities. Yesterday I went over to get them slightly earlier than the bell rang so they could make some selection at the Book Fair. Alex is trying to find the balance between socializing and getting assignments done on time as the end of the year assignments crunch in. We've been considering dual enrollment for next year but I'm not sure if organizationally speaking she's ready to take it on. She's still hoping to find a 'regular' job also.
May your Friday be fabulous!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Chickens Love Me
Monday, April 20, 2009
Talkin' Trash

I am curious why we, as a nation, are not doing more to find ways to make recycling materials more profitable. Perhaps I’ll venture onto a personal research project to find out more about efforts companies are making to recycle. But more immediately I am going to attempt to reduce my trash load so forgive me if I go off on a tangent occasionally and analyze our garbage.

Friday, April 17, 2009
It's Friday!!

Crescent Moon Over the East End Cemetery
©2009 Elizabeth Fraser
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Life Can be Normal

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Rich Brother Rich Sister

Robert Kiyosaki and Emi Kiyosaki (Venerable Tenzin Kacho, ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama)
Vanguard Books 2009
Later Robert explains: “Since your gift is a gift from god or a higher power, it is essential to deliver it with the highest degree of personal integrity and character. Over the years, I have personally experienced my gift being diminished when I allowed my character flaws to overpower my character. I found that if I wanted to improve the returns on my life, I needed to improve my personal character by not letting my character flaws cancel out my character strengths.” I'm still mulling this one over. Pastor Rick at the church I attend says character is what you do when no one is looking not how you act when you're out in front of people. In this area I must admit I am two different people, not that I'm one bad and one good but I definately operate through a dual persona. Kim compliments this view by explaining the Buddist practice: In all my actions I will examine my mind, and the moment a disturbing attitude arises, I will firmly confront and avert it. This is hard to admit but pertaining to this practice I probably need a lot more confrontation within my own character.
Dr. R. Buckminister Fuller says “good and bad are meaningless,” and Robert expands upon that by saying “…all things-good and bad-are blessings. Our lives are continual crucifixions, resurrections, evolutions, and reformations, and each of these is as vital to life as food, waters, sun, and exercise. If one of the four is missing, existence is incomplete.” We're always trying to define situations as good and bad in our life especially when we're young and just having full responsibility for our lives it seems that every little speed bump along the way can feel devastating to some extent but as the years roll on and you go through more experiences little hurdles don't seem to have as much impact. You deal with things come what may having confidence that all will work out.
After losing literally millions of dollars Robert and his wife went through a period of being broke and homeless, going back to square one to decide what god wanted them to be involved in for their next business. “Instead of focusing only on making myself rich, I began focusing on building a business that made everyone richer. And that is what I do today. It’s why I have good fortune and financial success.” He advises that to find what you will excel at first decide what do you love to do so much that you would do it for free. This is the direction you will be most successful in. He also explains that to get what you want you must first give it. If you want to receive money, you must give money. If you want respect, give respect, etc.
One thing that holds many people back, myself included is fear of unfamilar territory or learning something totally new. But it is important to remember, Fear means new opportunities. ‘Whenever you feel fear, it may mean you are approaching the boundary of what you know and what you do not know. If you back down or step back, your growing stops because learning stops. Fear gives us the opportunity to test our spirits. Fear gives all of us the opportunity to grow stronger or grow weaker.”
Monday, April 13, 2009
Lots to Blog About

Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday Fill-In

2. My kids constantly remind me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my peace of mind (well, I could but I'd drive everyone else crazy).
4. Hot Yoga and skydiving are two things I'd like to try.
5. When life hands you lemons, suck ‘em and make a funny face!
6. Visiting Mesa Verde is my favorite childhood memory.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching ‘The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane’ (1976), tomorrow my plans include visiting the Detroit Science Center with kids, Mom, bro, and sis-in-law, to see the Star Trek exhibit and Sunday, I want to celebrate Easter with family and meet my new cousin once removed, Mr. Evan Lucas Immekus, born 4/7/09!
Have a peaceful Good Friday everyone!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
ACT Score has arrived

Wednesday, April 08, 2009
2nd Grade Journaling
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Grand Valley State Tour

Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Oh, the Irony!
Today is the first day of Script Frenzy and I still have no direction whatsoever but I'm sure I'll come up with something-eventually. Our weekly walk was suspended this past weekend due to exhaustion, illness, and inclement weather but we hope to be back out there this weekend. On Friday Alexandra, myself, and her friend Jason will be taking a tour of Grand Valley State University with my alumnus brother James along to give us the inside skinny.
Please continue to keep my mother Judith in your prayers, a spot on her liver is going to be dealt with via Cryosurgery next week and we're hoping this will be the end of a very disconcerting stage of health challenges. Thankfully she had an encouraging appointment with her surgeon and the oconologist, working again through Karmanos Cancer Center, she feels the situation is under control and she is in superb care.
'Nit Wits' curtain call, Saturday, March 28 @ North Branch High School (Alex is in red).