Thursday, October 10, 2013


Outside my Window: Beautiful sunshine but crispy air temp.

What's on my Mind: How to parent teenage boys.  Mine have been a real treat lately.  And trust me, I know they are tame in their rebellions compared to what I understand some people have dealt with.  It's a delicate dance.  You know what they say, "teeangers are God's way of helping us let go." 

Thankful for: Opportunity.   And keeping the bills paid.

My Latest Project has been taken advantage of my employer's generosity and picking batches of grapes for jelly and juice which has also become my Creative Endeavors as well.  My friend Sarah offered her kitchen and we spent a day making several batches of jelly.  She stuck with the traditional Concord jelly recipe while I used some Canadice and Cayuga grapes with natural sugar, honey, and regular sugar (in various batches). 

She made two batches of Concord that turned out fabulous plus had juice to spare for another batch the next day.  I did four different batches with the two varieties, only one set of the Cayuga set, but it IS tasty!  The rest I'm using for a juice base and in granola bars.  Last night I juiced up some Stuebens, they are very similar to the Concord but slightly mellower.  The boys taste tested it and said it didn't even need sugar added.  Next batch is NO sugar, followed by a LOW Sugar, and one HONEY batch.  Fun times.  Also working on a round of Canadice juice.  Yummo!

My 3 Sons: The boys have started to push the boundaries a bit as would be expected with teenagers which has caused some tense days.  Not to mention their poor choices creating much unwarrented distress.  We had a week where it felt everyone lost their bloody mind and now after penanance and discipline measures have taken place we seem to be back on an even keel once again.

Fox recently subbmitted his application for National Honor Society.  Ethan has checked in with the middle school Forensics supervisors and is in the process of selecting a piece to work on.  Ben's soccer experience has been challenging with the rec program again this year but we're sticking it out and making the best of it.

The first Born: Still vegan.  Still working 2 jobs.  May help with some Forensics events with the North Branch School team since little bro is going to be competing.  Alex did in high school and really enjoyed it.

Employment News: Didn't get the position I interviewed for but found out I was second choice.  Not sure how I feel about that.  Probably going to continue working at the farm part-time helping fill online orders.  Still subbing as well, been in the middle school a few times already and high school special ed.

Hoping to Improve: My attitude.  Feeling very crabby and complaintive lately....could be hormonal.  Or that I'm a pink drowning in a blue world if you know what I mean.  Being the only female in the house can push your limits of grace to the brink.

Food for Thought:  Recipes made with love can never be fattening!  (Smile)

Last Words:
Make it a point to do something every day that you don't want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.
~Mark Twain