Ben and Ethan enjoyed the basketball day camp very much, they both knew different kids at the camp and picked up some new skills. Fox has been spending his time working for me around the yard, mowing, trimming, raking, schlepping, etc. and also found time to check out an economics class online. This week he has been at an idTech Camp on the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus, Video Game Design-RPG. Monday the younger boys and I spent the day on campus, Starbucks to start us off, then the comic book store, Hands-On Museum, lunch at a Greek restaurant (they both loved the Mousaka), wandered around Borders, spun the big cube by the Student Union, then they scootered around the West Quad while we waited for Fox to finish.

My dad has been working at scanning all our family slides into the computer. He gave me some of what he has done so far on disc. Here is one circa 1967 of my mom the day of her graduation for a Masters in Education from Wayne State University. I am not quite two, to young to remember who attended the ceremony or any other whoopla.
Since school ended we've also had our VBS at church. I used the Agents in Action program, but adapted it to three days, to view click here. I also wrote dramas for the open and close of the day that introduced campers to the Armor of God. Around 40 kids participated and things went well overall. It was interesting working with a 'tween-age' drama/music team but things worked out and I certainly learned a lot as I always do everytime I plan something. Games seemed to be the biggest hit, running, throwing and shooting things you just can't go wrong with! But my boys also commented that all the storytellers were very good. We fed them some healthy snacks and they enjoyed the crafts as well.

Last Saturday we ventured down to Monroe, Michigan for the annual "Blessing of the Land" ceremony/celebration. Mother had asked that a tree be given to the IHM gardens in her memory, when my brother called to inquire the director voiced a need for garden benches so one was donated in her memory, since she was cremated there is no head stone, now this is at least a place to go and commemorate. It is a very fitting place for her memorial to be since there are many people there helping take care of the place and her bench will be taken care of as well. She always wanted to be taken care of. The ceremony was short and sweet, we sang a rather timid rendition of 'Holy Ground', the prayer interestingly enough was an ancient, wordless Native American blessing, then a time for open prayers, "thanks for the sunshine, the workers, the garden, etc." Ethan helped hand out the worms, everyone got one to go place in the garden somewhere. My aunt found a beautiful and most appropriate garden sculpture to sit along side the bench. Benjamin has suggested we go visit each year on gramma's birthday. That would be nice.

Next week I will be preparing for 4H Mystery Clue Camp, I'll be doing science activities and experiments with the 2nd-6th grade participants. Ben and Ethan will be attending the 3-night camp. But before then I'll be heading off on a business trip with Rob to northern California. I haven't been on a plane in years! Going to try and just take a carry-on......